Hidden Dangers of Pride: Lessons from 1 Corinthians 15

In 1 Corinthians 15:1-11, the apostle Paul reminds us of the foundational truth of the gospel: Christ died for our sins and was raised again, offering us salvation. But in these verses, Paul also makes a fascinating statement about his own ministry. He works harder than any other apostle, but quickly adds that it is not his own work, but God's grace at work within him. This tension between hard work and humility is something we all wrestle with—especially in a world where we’re often taught to take credit for our successes. Paul’s example challenges us to examine our own hearts: Are we working for the glory of God, or are we seeking recognition for ourselves?

Woman standing on beach brusing back her brown hair. Trees in background. The phrase The Hidden Dangers of Pride are written on top

The Apostle Paul: A Model of Humility and Hard Work

Paul’s life was marked by incredible hard work. He traveled extensively, planted churches, and wrote letters that shaped the early Christian church. Yet, when he speaks of his work in 1 Corinthians 15, he immediately emphasizes that his achievements are not his own. "By the grace of God, I am what I am," Paul says (1 Corinthians 15:10). He acknowledges that any success he has experienced is the result of God's grace, not his personal effort.

Paul doesn’t shy away from admitting his labor. He worked tirelessly, but he is quick to remind the Corinthians that this work was not self-generated. The grace of God was the driving force behind everything he did. In a world where achievements are often counted by how much recognition they bring, Paul offers a profound lesson: even the most commendable work is meaningless if we forget that it’s God’s power, not our own, that makes it possible.

The Struggle for Humility in a "Me-First" World

The idea that our work and success are gifts of grace, rather than personal accomplishments, can be difficult to grasp. We live in a culture that values hard work and individual achievement. Success is often rewarded with praise and recognition, and it can be easy to fall into the trap of seeking those rewards.

This desire for credit can creep into our spiritual lives as well. As Christians, we are called to serve others, to work diligently for the Kingdom of God, but how often do we measure our success by how much praise we receive? Whether it’s in our church ministries, our personal lives, or even our outreach to others, it’s natural to want validation for our efforts.

But Paul’s example calls us to humility. He could have boasted in his tireless ministry, but instead, he gives all credit to God’s grace. When we fail to acknowledge that our achievements are ultimately God's work, we risk letting pride take root. And pride can lead to division within the body of Christ, as we start building our own kingdoms instead of serving the one true King.

A Lesson from "Scrubs": Why Do We Do What We Do?

In the old NBC sitcom Scrubs, there’s a memorable moment that highlights the danger of seeking recognition for our work. In one episode, JD, the main character, makes an unusual diagnosis for a patient who has been struggling with an illness. After making the diagnosis, JD is upset when the patient doesn’t thank him. He believes that his hard work should be acknowledged.

However, when JD tracks down the patient, he’s in for a surprising response. The patient, who happens to be a garbageman, asks JD, "When was the last time you thanked your garbageman?" JD is caught off guard. The point is clear: the garbageman is doing important work, yet he receives no recognition for it. JD, in his self-centered mindset, expected to be thanked for doing his job, forgetting that there are many roles in society that go unnoticed but are essential.

This illustration mirrors our temptation in ministry. Are we doing good works because it will bring us recognition, or are we doing it because it advances the Kingdom of Heaven? Like JD, we can fall into the trap of expecting thanks or praise for our efforts. But just as the garbageman’s work is vital—even though it’s often unnoticed—so is every action we take to further God’s Kingdom. Whether we receive credit or not, we are called to serve faithfully, knowing that God sees our work and gives the increase.

Working for God’s Glory, Not Ours

As we consider Paul’s words and the lesson from Scrubs, we are reminded that our work in the Kingdom of Heaven is not about personal glory. The work we do, whether big or small, is not for our own recognition. The Kingdom of Heaven operates on a different economy—one that values humble service over personal acclaim. In Matthew 23:12, Jesus tells us,

Whoever exalts themselves will be humbled, and whoever humbles themselves will be exalted
— Matthew 23:12

In the end, our work should not be about seeking credit, but about advancing God’s Kingdom. Paul’s example calls us to recognize that all our labor is a gift from God. And while working hard is important, we must always remember that our successes are not ours to boast about; they belong to God alone.

So the next time we’re tempted to seek recognition or to count our achievements as our own, let’s pause and remember Paul’s words: "By the grace of God, I am what I am." Like JD, we should examine our motives. Are we working for our own recognition, or are we truly invested in furthering the Kingdom of Heaven, regardless of the credit we receive?


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