Resurrection and the Saints Among Us
The resurrection is the cornerstone of our faith. In 1 Corinthians 15:12-20, Paul speaks with conviction about the necessity of believing in Christ’s resurrection. Without it, he says, our preaching is in vain, our faith is futile, and we are still in our sins. But because Christ has been raised, we are given not just hope for eternal life but also freedom in our daily lives—a freedom to see and live into the ways God encourages and nurtures us through others.
Saints Who Shape Our Lives
This truth is something I’ve been reminded of often when reflecting on the saints who have gone before us. Their lives, faith, and witness continue to shape and inspire how we live today. One such saint is a woman named Jane, from the first congregation I served.
Jane was the matriarch of a large dairy farming family, a role she embraced with care and determination. But as her health declined, one of her greatest concerns was who would care for her children after she was gone. She worried about how they would manage, how they would feel her absence, and who would guide them in the years ahead.
One day, Jane shared something with me that I’ve carried with me ever since. She said, “It’s pretty amazing that Jesus was born to understand what it means to be a human. But it’s also pretty amazing that God the Father gave up his Son to be with those of us who have to be separated from our children.”
Her words carried the weight of both deep sorrow and profound faith. She found comfort in the idea that God not only understands our human struggles but also entered into them. Jane’s faith didn’t deny the pain of separation; instead, it acknowledged it and found solace in the presence of a God who willingly experiences our deepest fears and heartaches.
Jane’s witness has shaped my own faith journey. When I’ve struggled with the challenges of custody arrangements with my stepson, her words have reminded me that God is not distant from my pain. Having faith in Christ means being freed from our sins, but it also means being freed to see the ways God works in and through us, offering encouragement and nurturing us in our hardest moments.
Living Boldly into Resurrection Hope
As we think about the saints in our own congregation—those who have gone before us—we find similar inspiration. Their lives remind us of what it means to live with hope in the resurrection. They show us how to trust in God’s promises, even when faced with uncertainty or loss. Their faith encourages us to lean into the freedom we’ve been given: freedom to love, to serve, to endure, and to hope.
This week, take a moment to reflect on the saints who have shaped your life. Perhaps it was a parent or grandparent, a friend, or someone in your church family. How did their faith inspire you? How does their witness help you live into the freedom and hope of Christ’s resurrection?
Let’s honor their legacy by living boldly into the assurance Paul describes in 1 Corinthians 15. Christ has indeed been raised from the dead, the firstfruits of those who have fallen asleep. Because of this truth, we have hope—hope not only for eternal life but also for the ways God continues to nurture and sustain us, even now, through the lives of the saints.
Thanks be to God for Jane and for all the saints who help us live into the beauty of resurrection hope.